A downloadable game

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Atris is the addictive puzzle game, embracing our universal desire to create order out of chaos. 


The goal of Atris is to score as many points as possible by clearing horizontal lines of blocks. 

The player must rotate, move, and drop the falling blocks inside the playing field. 

Lines are cleared when they are filled with blocks and have no empty spaces. 

As lines are cleared, the level increases and blocks fall faster, making the game progressively more challenging. 

If the blocks land above the top of the playing field, the game is over.


In Game

  • A - Move left
  • D - Move right         Arrow keys works as well
  • W - Rotate right
  • S - Hard drop
  • Esc End game
  • P - Pause game
  • M - Music


In Menu

  • P - Play
  • Q- Quit
  • L - Difficuly. Easy/Hard
  • F - Window/Fullscreen
  • I - Instructions (Amiga Guide)
  • B - Change blocks gfx (3 sets)


  • Hard drop                2x distance
  • Single line clear     100
  • Double line clear  300
  • Triple line clear     500
  • Four line clear        800

Hard, Level increase hard every 5x level

Easy, Level increase easy every 10x level


  • Amiga RTG
  • AmigaOS3.x
  • AHI
  • RTG 960x540 24-bit
  • CPU 100MIPS+
  • RAM 35MB Free


Source code in AB3_Templates - Amiga AmiBlitz3

Updated 11 days ago
Tags2D, Amiga, apollo-vampire


Buy Now$1.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1 USD. You will get access to the following files:

AtrisI.lha v1.00 5.8 MB

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Thanks. Please also upload it to Aminet.

(1 edit)

price may change in the future ;), every buyer even it's free right now is receiving a single license for personal use!

Nice, but what does that have to do with uploading it to Aminet? 🤔

It's not shareware, PD etc. ;) 


Ah, now I get it! 🙂 What I meant is if you build a demo version, please upload it that release to Aminet. Thanks!


oke the game is running after copying te jpeg.library from the Amiblitz basic archive!

OS3.1 needs an assign otherwise Atris crashes.

OS4 runs the game without assigns.


Trying with Snoopdos,  it looks for the:  jpeg.library

Yeah I know it's the library but the game doesn't need it so I trow out the dependency and tested with removed jpeg library and it works! No assign on OS3.2


Thank you for creating this game.
After installing and executing, I have this:  v43+.definitions.ab3  please install jpeg.library!

Used OS'es: 3.1 and 4.1FE

Thank you.


New version should not ask for it anymore ;)


I downloaded it. the executable is from sept 14 sept 10.48PM, but it has the same error!

(1 edit)

Hi, Try DL it again, it has same version numer but some fixes, added missing library, can't get it running without it. Added MakeAssign, it makes a temporary assignment for game and libs(ADD) until reboot for OS3.1 ?!.


Thanks, the game works now out of the box, after running the assign on OS3. 

OS4 is running directly clicking the .exe.

Great and thanks for pointing the issue!!