ZombieSurvivor past v1.42 Part three

Things done since last time ;)

DLC Underground

  • added big stone objects parallax
  • added more tile objects
  • 20% map done
  • some object gfx adjustment
  • added pickup candles, above screenshot, candles expand the view

Main game

  • Moved out tent/house settings to file, DLC friendly
  • New stuff introduces bugs, got all of them I hope ;)
  • 80% of map done
  • tile gfx adjustment
  • added delivery jobs
  • added compass helper
  • added notification window

v1.42 will remain as a alternative no DLC support

New game with DLC support is to be v2.xx

I think I'll try stopping any new features and concentrate getting v2.00 and Undergrounds done ! (prefer to release at same time)

Many many thanks for you all supporting this game and have a nice Amiga weekend !!! 

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