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Quantum Dock 



QDock is closest dream dock I've imagined !

QDock has optional stylish half transparent background and it actually loads Workbench Wallpaper to make fake transparent effect, animated icons and all this adds to memory & CPU usage but creates nice look!

QDock never sleeps due to animated gfx would not work, it does lower the fps/CPU need when not in use and only to a level where it still feels responsive, if solid background is used it lowers memory & CPU usage 

Drag HDD/apps/directory/text etc. icon to QDock, it senses placement, if there is no icon(.info) it will not be added to dock. Max 4x 25 icons

If icons are greater than 46pix in any direction it will be scaled, no need to get new icons

QDock size is minimum 6 icons to keep menu etc. visible

QDock supports Trashcan, just drag Trashcan from sys:Trashcan to dock, you get drop on Trashcan function, it moves file to Trashcan

In HELP guide there is a drop on icon list (edit), type in what apps to receive drop on, you can also add *s or *a that indicates the icon on dock is a script/Arexx to drop on

To launch app/text/open drawer etc. just click once

To move a icon, HOLD icon clicked down until icon moves 2 pixel up then release mouse button, move icon to desired place and click mouse button

To delete a icon, HOLD icon clicked down until icon disappears and then release mouse button

Hover menu option shows function text (if more than 8 icons dock width/height)

Hover icons shows icon name

  •     1-4 Select icon row (dock size is the row with most icons, saves last used row)
  •     * click once, move QDock, click again to finish
  •     H guide

    In guide there is a link to a setting file , you can do

         Dock position calculation

         Number of active rows

         Icon reflection moving/static

         Icon reflection icon text mid/bottom


  •     D Toggle Date+Clock
  •     B Toggle background 0-4

        0 Transparent

        1 Transparent with Overlay

        2 Transparent with Overlay + Frame

        3 Pattern

        4 Pattern + Frame


  •     O Select Overlay (PNG only)     
  •     S Select Backdrop Pattern (PNG only)
  •     X Select Style 0-3

        0 Full width/height

        1 Full width/height + Reflection*

        2 Normal

        3 Reflection*    

        * When QDock is in vertical = no Reflection


  •     T QDock text color black/white
  •     R QDock rotation
  •    - decrease dock size
  •    + increase dock size 
  •    I  Hide WB icons behind dock/Off
  •    A animation on/off
  •   C Center

        0  none

        1  icons

        2  dock

        3  icons + dock

  •    Q quit

   Icons can be changed visually, mirror, pixel look

Some known limits

Only supports PNG (overlay & pattern)



  • AmigaOS 3.1  (3.1 will also need WBStart.library, Aminet) 
  • RTG 640x480 16-bit (24-bit for transparent)
  • CPU 25 MIPS for speed with reflection, 10 MIPS if reflection not used
  • 22 MB Free RAM,if all effects used 1920*1080*32 backdrop. no effects 4MB 
  • RexxMast running
  • screennotify.library, IconLib_46.4, WBRun, get them from Aminet

As usual don't expect a AAA stuff, it's done in AmiBlitz3

Updated 14 days ago


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In order to download this tool you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

QDock.lha v2.15 2.5 MB

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As always great work thank you very much!

One request: After updating QDock all my icons are replaced by the standard set. Can you implement an "update" so my settings are untouched with the next version?


Thanks for the input ;)

(1 edit)

i have installed succesfully os32se with 2 disks and qdock but the icons in qdock are messed up bad graphics. I m on winuae.

QDock is RTG only, my guess is either you are not on RTG resolution or icon.library is not installed, disc 1 provides this on install and should be there

Yes i have used disk 1 and worked but when a window go over it it disappear from the screen in the area where was the window  and not reapper. Thank you

I can't replicate the error, use 68040 no MMU, 16MB RTG ram, make sure you have installed cpu librarys from OS3.2 installer CD, you just start the installer again and select CPU librarys/support whatever it's named ;)

Ok thank you! You made a great work!!!

thanks, I hope you like it and have a lot of fun !!!

(1 edit)

Hi there

Bought it yesterday but haven't made it work yet. I use it on my 3.2.1 RTG installation (previously used WBDock). I run it on Vampire V1200 system. I have all requirements installed (icon.library 51.4.568 & screen notify.library 1.2), I run the install script and reboot. I get a small transparent/white sort of bar with no apps at all. The settings menu is visible when hover on it and the settings there seem to work. There are no app icons at all and when dragging an app icon to the bar to add it nothing happens. Sometimes adding an app icon crashes the system. Any idea?

Hi, I do not have Vampire to test on, try Solitare match Demo just to se if that works they use almost identical RTG code. 


Maybe icon.library ? png.library

(1 edit)

Hello again

I will give solitaire a try but I know QDock works cause I use it on the 6.69 Amiga SE installation that I have. That is why I decided to buy it separately to use it on my other installations. I really doubt Vampire is the issue because everything runs perfect from Amiga OS 3.1, 3.9, 3.1.4, 3.2.1, Amikit, ClassicWB including all sort of programs and applications I use, from very demanding ones to simple ones.As far as the icon.librady I use the very latest one form PeterK 51.4.568. The one which comes with QDock is the one before that 51.4.567. Regarding png library I don't have any and I never heard of any before. Do you mean png.datatype? I just tried Solitaire and it works just fine. Very nice quality by the way 

(1 edit)

hmmm, ok. This is strange, I'm to release a new QDock tomorrow and it has a startup bug(Random) I believe is fixed now, I'm testing testing... Maybe it will fix your issue !? You have it installed in sys:system ? otherwise it will not work

(3 edits)

Hi there

OK I will try the new version tomorrow and see what happens. Yes I do have it in sys:system . I did it manually at the beginning and didn't work so I deleted everything and decided to run the installation script which did exactly the same and still didn't work either. 


I tried it in 2 other 3.2.1 installations and on a and it doesn't work in any of those. Same exact behaviour in all of them. Maybe you could send me privately today the new version to try it and see if it makes any difference.


I even tried it on a 32SE light installation which I have from you and it still doesn't work 

Hi, I see the problem, I'll try solving it tomorrow. Thanks!


Very nice. It works also with Coffin or os 3.1?

(1 edit)


AmigaOS 3.1  (3.1 will also need WBStart.library, Aminet),

You need RTG , not working on Amiga native graphics